Groundcover with succulent, drought-resistant leaves. Magenta-pink flowers all year, depending on location (sunnier spot = more flowers).
Spreads to many square metres – cut back as needed. Great to use as a weed suppressant instead of bark chip (which is flammable). Good soil-binding agent in exposed coastal places. Happy in sandy and clay soil. Propagate from cutting. Very high strike rate.
Muwinina use
A valuable food plant known as wendar. In dry, lean times Aboriginal people camped close to pigface. Fleshy, salty-sweet purple-pink fruits are delicious (fig/strawberry/kiwi fruit flavour). Fleshy, salty leaves can be cooked and eaten (steamed/sautéed). Juice from leaves used to soothe insect bites and blisters. Poultice of crushed leaves eases burn pain.
Habitat value
Shelters many small animals, including skinks, and provides food for birds. In some areas, ground-nesting coastal birds nest amongst pigface.